domenica 26 aprile 2015

From the era of Progress to the era of Meaning
with Carlo Magaletti
MAY 15th, 2015, 1:15 - 2:30 PM

What is the meaning of my life?
Our ancestors managed to find meaning by relying on an external God, omniscient, omnipresent, who has now been ousted by a new kind of God: Progress. This new God, along with two other Gods born from him, Productivity and Technology, has redeemed our society from hunger, has made our life much safer and more enjoyable, but at the same time, this new God has proved to be silent about the great existential questions.

The result is an increasingly affluent society that at the same time is increasingly plagued by depression, suicides and addiction.
A paradox that we can overcome only by understanding that progress cannot be the ultimate goal of human existence, but a means to seek and realize the purpose of our existence. An understanding that takes us into a new evolutionary era, that of meaning.

Inspired by Zen philosophy and his research in the field of theater, Carlo Magaletti proposes an innovative and unusual method that allows you to rediscover your true nature through your daily activities.

WHERE:Two United Nations Plaza - East 44th St. - (UNSRC Club Room, 11th floor, Room 43)
Entry is free. To attend the event you will need to send an RSVP on or before May 8th to:

Remember to arrive early and to have a valid photo ID with you.

Please, read more info and download the UNSRC Enlightenment Society invitation on

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